Spanish Haciendas were large estates that combined dwelling with commodity production. Their large Casonas were crafted masterpieces, applying concepts evolved over centuries to unique conditions in order to host daily life, produce and store goods, house guests and seasonal workers, put on grand events, and more. The few Casonas that remain are living legacies of historical design, material, and craft.

The Casona at Hacienda Masini was constructed in the 1860’s and has been adapted over time as needs and storms arise. It still serves its original functions of dwelling and coffee production in the highlands. Design and details of the Casona are oriented toward social life, structural support, and coffee production. They are irreplaceable testaments to the richness of skills and environment that the early Corsicans encountered and adapted.

Explore the history of Hacienda Masini’s Casona and its unique lens into the connections between environment, culture, and design that have helped build Puerto Rico’s coffee culture.